About some parts of Dharmagupta Poshada for Bikshunis
By Ven Christiana Jampa Tsomo
In my opinion, the text of the Pratimoksha Sutra for bhikshunis in the Dharmagupta tradition contains extraordinary elements, useful for any monastic and even non-monastic Dharma community.
I am referring to the part of the Sutra that lists a set of precepts…
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Researching The Gelongma Lineage
By Ven Sangye Khadro
The September 2020 IMI e-news included an extract from a teaching about Sangha and gelongmas that Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave in Holland in 2015. This article raised a number of questions and points for reflection regarding the gelongma/bhikshuni ordination. As someone who was very fortunate to…
The Moss in the Garden: My Experience as a Monk in Graduate School
Ven Khedrup
For the last year and a half, I have been studying for an MA in Asian Religions at McMaster University in addition to serving as the Tibetan-English language interpreter for Geshe Sonam at Lama Yeshe Ling Centre in Burlington,…