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The Importance of Sangha in the West; and Gelongma Vows

The Importance of Sangha in the West; and Gelongma Vows Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche 15–16 July 2015 Maitreya Instituut, The Netherlands Edited by Robina Courtin August 19, 2020 IN THE WEST THERE IS NO RESPECT FOR WESTERN SANGHA I’ve noticed that some centers in the FPMT have respect for the sangha, but most do not. In…


Continuing the Conversation on Desire

By Ven Lozang Khadro Ven Khadro and friend I read Ven Legtsok and Khedrub/Dan’s article in the last IMI e-newsletter.  Their article was courageous and honest, and it helped me to feel more connected with the wider sangha community, especially during the pandemic and India’s many lockdowns. Ven. Legtsok’s suggestion on sharing and support resonated with…


What is Practice?

"What is Practice? By A Monkess Most think that daily commitments, rituals, pujas and teachings are our main practice.  And they are certainly crucial so it's a real blessing to be able to participate in these whenever possible. But we've all heard the story of the man doing many prostrations being told "very good but much better to practice"; then it goes onto reciting prayers, making light offerings etc.  Each time he was advised "but better to do practice". "If you are suffering, use it as the cause to bring happiness to others. This way, whatever kind of life experience you have, you use it on the path. There is no interruption to Dharma practice and one's life is most beneficial."  Lama Zopa…


Pandemic Pleasures, Samsaric Sufferings

Pandemic Pleasures, Samsaric Sufferings By Ven Drolma Ann Kane Monkey family at Tushita Meditation Center, India Bring it on!  When the second wave of the virus hit in India we went through another series of lockdowns.  How would we survive?  So many people are struggling in so many ways.  Here at Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamkot it…


About some parts of Dharmagupta Poshada for Bikshunis

About some parts of Dharmagupta Poshada for Bikshunis By Ven Christiana Jampa Tsomo In my opinion, the text of the Pratimoksha Sutra for bhikshunis in the Dharmagupta tradition contains extraordinary elements, useful for any monastic and even non-monastic Dharma community. I am referring to the part of the Sutra that lists a set of precepts…


Researching The Gelongma Lineage

Researching The Gelongma Lineage By Ven Sangye Khadro The September 2020 IMI e-news included an extract from a teaching about Sangha and gelongmas that Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave in Holland in 2015. This article raised a number of questions and points for reflection regarding the gelongma/bhikshuni ordination. As someone who was very fortunate to…


Signs of Death

Signs of Death Lama Zopa Rinpoche Lama Zopa Rinpoche teaches at the annual Kopan November course in the newly rebuilt Chenrezig Gompa. - Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal; Photographer: Neal Patrick; 2019 Red and white drops at the time of death I want to explain more about the signs of death. As you know from the death…


Covid and Resilience

Chonyi Taylor Even if the environment and beings are filled with the fruits of negativity, And unwished for sufferings pour down like rain, I seek your blessings to take these miserable conditions as a path By seeing them as causes to exhaust the results of my negative karma.              …