Vision + Mission Statement
Therefore, the more you live in pure ordination, the less negative karma you create. By renouncing life as a householder and living as Sangha, not only do you create less negative karma, but you also cut down a lot on external work and other activities. This leaves you much more time for meditation and study; you have fewer distractions. Thus, there are many advantages to being ordained: more time to study and meditate, more time to develop your mind.
Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The guiding vision of International Mahayana Institute is to provide people all over the world who want to practice the Buddhist path as a monk or nun with places to be and ways to do that.
Mission Statement
IMI is an FPMT sangha specific community that serves sentient beings, and is empowered to respond to, and take care of the needs of its family of monks and nuns through the development of quality Sangha training programs, harmonious monastic communities, effective communications, financial support, and advocacy. The IMI is established for ordained sangha within the FPMT who are not part of monasteries and support systems in traditional Buddhist cultures.
As emissaries of Buddhism (teachers, spiritual caregivers, ritual practitioners, meditators, retreat leaders), IMI members inspire others through their speech and behaviour and provide the opportunity for lay practitioners to integrate respect and support for Sangha into their practice of Buddhism.
The IMI community contributes to world peace and individual spiritual growth by keeping the Buddha’s teachings alive, inspiring others with values of ethical behaviour, tolerance, compassion and wisdom. IMI aspires to take good care of its community and to enhance the qualities of its monks and nuns and their ability to contribute to happiness in the world.
IMI is committed to preserve the unique lineage of Lama Tsong Khapa, integrating study and practice as manifested by its teachers, HH Dalai Lama, Lama Zopa Rinpoche and Lama Yeshe all the while adapting to various cultures and situations around the world. It is affiliated with the FPMT and follows the instructions of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
The IMI expects all sangha members to commit to maintaining and fostering a safe and supportive environment for Buddhist practice. The IMI is affiliated with FPMT Inc., and applies the FPMT Ethical Policy as a standard of conduct. All members are expected to follow the FPMT Ethical Policy and instructions for monastic ethical behavior, that includes:
- Living according to the vows. This includes no killing, stealing, engaging in sexual conduct, lying or taking intoxicants (alcohol, recreational drugs or tobacco).
- No discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or marital status.
- No harassment, such as sexual harassment, intimidation, bullying or retaliation to those who raise concerns.
- Avoiding gossip, slander, harsh or abusive language.
The IMI particularly advises that those monks and nuns in a position of responsibility within the IMI, like the director, board members, IMI representatives, council members and managers uphold these principles and demonstrate harmonious and respectful behavior that is supportive of Dharma practice and safe for all.
When there is an ethical complaint about anyone acting on behalf of the IMI while functioning in a position acknowledged by the IMI, doing nothing is not an option.
The IMI will investigate any complaint. The IMI works in cooperation with the FPMT monasteries, nunneries and Dharma centers in regard to ethical grievances that involves IMI members.
If the IMI knows or suspects that someone is being treated in a discriminating or harassing manner, or is not respected or is at risk of any kind, the IMI will respond.
The IMI has a grievance procedure which will be implemented swiftly in these cases. If you have a grievance or complaint yourself or suspect someone else to be at risk, the first point of contact is with the IMI Director. If the complaint involves the IMI Director, please contact the chair of the IMI Board (See:
You can request that concerns remain confidential, however it is important to know that the IMI in the course of handling grievances is committed to protecting the privacy of everyone within the limitations of the California or any other state or national law.