Safeguarding against bullying, harassment and inappropriate behaviour
The IMI is committed to assist in protecting our members and those we work for from harm and abuse. We will also ensure that all members, staff and volunteers work together in line with this Protecting from Abuse policy, and act promptly when dealing with allegations or suspicions of abuse or inappropriate behaviour.
Read our safeguarding policy here
We want all our visitors and community members to feel valued and safe.
If you feel that you have been subjected to inappropriate behaviour, harassment or bullying by a member of the IMI, IMI staff, or an IMI volunteer, please report the incident to one of our Designated Protection People who will ensure that the matter is investigated and dealt with in a sympathetic and appropriate manner.
International Mahayana Institute’s Designated Protection People:
Ven. Losang Tendar –
Ven. Tenzin Legstok –
Ven. Thubten Chokyi –
Ven. Carol Corradi –