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About some parts of Dharmagupta Poshada for Bikshunis

About some parts of Dharmagupta Poshada for Bikshunis By Ven Christiana Jampa Tsomo In my opinion, the text of the Pratimoksha Sutra for bhikshunis in the Dharmagupta tradition contains extraordinary elements, useful for any monastic and even non-monastic Dharma community. I am referring to the part of the Sutra that lists a set of precepts…


A Letter about Bikshunis vows

By Ven Cristiana Ciampa Tsomo  Thank you, and thanks to IMI, for giving space for us bikshunis to share our experiences, since this would enhance people’s understanding of the Buddhadharma. Actually yes, after the IMI last newsletter I felt the need to say something about bikshuni vows, given my little but very positive experience on…